Center Point Cremations - Overview Image

For animal lovers, losing your pet can be the same as losing a family member. Saying goodbye can be a very difficult process. At Center Point Cremations, we hope to ease the burden by handling the cremation process with transparency and compassion. We are also committed to helping you keep the memory of your beloved pet alive by offering a variety of memorial options.

Our Story

We started Center Point Cremations because we love animals and we love people. This is more than a business to us, it’s a vocation: to be there for those in need and to raise the standard of afterlife care for animals.

Jimbo Cash Profile Image - Center Point Cremations

Jimbo Cash

Jimbo Cash developed a drive for serving people as a teenager. He has enjoyed the last thirty-six years nurturing that drive in serving those in the church. The arena of ministry for Jimbo has changed, but the drive continues, as he seeks to help those that journey through the final stage of life for their pets and the sorrow that is associated with it.